Family History Testing

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What is Family History Testing?

Our Family history testing is where you can get your family health history assessed to determine your risk of developing certain conditions. If you have a family history of cancer or any other health condition, our Family history testing service will help you to understand if you might be at risk.

During your 45-minute online appointment, our Registered Genetic Counsellor will talk through your personal health history and your family history. If this suggests that you are at increased risk of developing a particular heath condition, genetic testing may help you to better understand your risk.

Alternatively, additional screening or monitoring may be recommended. Our GP is also available if you have any symptoms that may need further investigation.

What are the benefits of family history testing?

Family history is important because diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and asthma can run in families. Family members share genes, as well as their environment, lifestyles, and habits.

We can help you then with a risk assessment, regular screening, genetic testing, lifestyle changes and stress reduction.

What does it cost?

Family History Testing with genetic consultant:


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